Деловая переписка
Обычно английское деловое письмо содержит 7 частей:
1. The Heading - заголовок, включающий время и место написания письма
2. The Inside Address - внутренний адрес
3. The Greeting - обращение
4. The Body of the Letter - содержание письма
5. The Enging - заключение
6. The Signature - подпись
7. The Reference to Enclosure - приложения, если есть.
1. Invitation
Dear ______ (name),
I have the pleasure of extending you an invitation on behalf of the Russian delegation to a Reception to be held in Hotel Ritz at seven o’clock on Friday, the tenth of March, 2000.
An early reply from you would be appreciated.
Yours Truly,
_______ (name)
2. Apology
Dear _____ (name):
I am sorry you had to wait such a long time for your credit of _____ (amount of money). We have had trouble tracing your sale and the return of part of the merchandise.
The refund check has now been mailed. Again, thanks for excusing the delay.
Sincerely yours,
I am sorry you had to wait such a long time for your credit of _____ (amount of money). We have had trouble tracing your sale and the return of part of the merchandise.
The refund check has now been mailed. Again, thanks for excusing the delay.
Sincerely yours,
3. Sympathy
Dear ____ (name):
We were saddened to learn of your recent loss. _____ (name of person) was liked so much that it is hard to believe that he is no longer with us.
His passing will be mourned by all those who loved him.
Respectfully yours,
_____ (name)
We were saddened to learn of your recent loss. _____ (name of person) was liked so much that it is hard to believe that he is no longer with us.
His passing will be mourned by all those who loved him.
Respectfully yours,
_____ (name)
4. Introduction
Dear ______ (name):
For a long time you have been a valued customer and gave our salesman, __________, (name) a warm reception. Regretfully, we must inform you that ______ (name) suddenly died ________ (time).
This is a quick note to let you know that _________ (name) will be taking over _________ (previous') territory and will be dropping in on you soon. We think very highly of _____ (name) and his knowledge of our product, _________ (name).
We are sure that you will continue to enjoy the same profitable and pleasant relationship that you knew with ______ (previous name).
Cordially yours,
_____ (name)
5. Recomendation
Dear _____ (name):
______ (name of person) is highly recommended as a highly qualified secretary. She worked for me for _____ (time period). During that time, she proved to be efficient, well organized and tactful with all those people she had to deal with.
I do not hesitate for a moment to recommend her.
Sincerely yours,
______ (name of person) is highly recommended as a highly qualified secretary. She worked for me for _____ (time period). During that time, she proved to be efficient, well organized and tactful with all those people she had to deal with.
I do not hesitate for a moment to recommend her.
Sincerely yours,
6. Complaint
Dear Sir or Madam:
We have been receiving many complaints from our customers about your ____ (item). They have not been satisfactory and, therefore, we have had to refund the purchase price on many of them.
The trouble seems to be with the last shipment. The ______ (item) before seemed sufficient and we did not have any complaints from our customers.
Please check to see if there was an error in making these ___ (item). We would also like to suggest that you check to see if they are being packed with enough protection for shipping.
We have ___ (amount left) left and we would like to have you send us a replacement shipment. We will wait for instructions from you before returning this, these (item).
We have been receiving many complaints from our customers about your ____ (item). They have not been satisfactory and, therefore, we have had to refund the purchase price on many of them.
The trouble seems to be with the last shipment. The ______ (item) before seemed sufficient and we did not have any complaints from our customers.
Please check to see if there was an error in making these ___ (item). We would also like to suggest that you check to see if they are being packed with enough protection for shipping.
We have ___ (amount left) left and we would like to have you send us a replacement shipment. We will wait for instructions from you before returning this, these (item).